Bacterial gill disease (Bacterial Gill Disease, BGD)


Loss of gill tissue
Gills fungused
Gills show signs of fungal growths protruding from them.
Gills infected
Gills swollen
Gills show obvious swelling.
Gills deep red colour
Gills have a very deep red colour in excess of normal bright red.
Listless and lethargic
Fish moves very lazily in water, much less than normal, lacks interest.


The source of F. branchiophilum is not known. The bacterium may be a normal inhabitant of the water or gills. Although C. columnaris can live in water and mud, fish probably serve as the main reservoir of infection.
The spread of the disease is very variable as it depends to a great extent on the stress factors prevailing. Bullock (1972) induced BGD in fingerling Rainbow trout in 10-14 days when the fish were subjected to crowding, DO levels of 4-5 ppm, and NH4 conc. of 1ppm.


Large losses are to expected unless treatment is started very early at onset of disease.


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DNA and RNA diagnostic references. 

Detection and quantification of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in
water and fish tissue samples by quantitative real time PCR

Nicole Strepparava et al.

From BMC Microbiology201414:105


Dr. Bullock, Graham L.
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Nat. Fisheries Res. C. 

'Pete' Bullock, one of the founding luminaries of Fish Pathology 

passed away  in 2011
March 6, 1935 – January 8, 2011


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